Becket Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013
Board of Health Members Present: Ginger Conner , Laurel Burgwardt
Board of Health Members Absent: John Amato
Meeting opens at: 10:00 am
Members of the public present: Representative from Berkshire Health Alliance (Sandra)
Ginger opens meeting at 10:00. Ginger introduces Sandra, a representative from Berkshire Health Alliance. Sandra hands out some literature that she has prepared , as well as “An Agreement for Public Health Services” for Ginger and Laurel to review. Sandra briefly explains some of the services and benefits that the Health Alliance provides. Board of Health members briefly discuss the agreement and agree that this could save the Town some considerable money.
Sandra goes on to advise that some of the Towns that they currently service include the Town of Egremont, Washington, Clarksburg and Gt. Barrington. Sandra also adds that they are currently a handful of other towns that may be interested as well. Sandra reviews the cost and fees that the Alliance currently charge. Board of Health members go on to discuss other services, such as senior transportation , that may be beneficial to the Town. All present agree that transportation (for medical purposes only) has often been requested and is an issue that is being looked into at the current time.
Sandra also advises provides information to the Board members on another service that the Alliance provides that allows them to share and review disease reports. Sandra briefly reviews an upcoming mosquito forum and states that many experts present their information at this forum.
At this time, Ginger and Laurel receive the “Agreement for Public Health Services”, as prepared by the Alliance. Ginger advises that she would like to have Town Administrator, Joe Kellogg, join the meeting , and review along with the board members the agreement provided. Mr. Kellogg joins the meeting and reviews the agreement with the board members; Sandra explains that the purpose here is to give situational awareness and that the agreement can be withdrawn at any time. Sandra advises that there is no cost to the program; Joe confirms that there are no costs involved.
Ginger makes a motion to sign the agreement, at no cost to them and for informational, sharing purposes only. Laurel seconds motion ; Unanimous Approval.
Ginger expresses interest in upcoming training and educational programs that may be available to them. Sandra also advises that she would offer them a one-time, free camp inspector that would come in and give free assistance to Laurel if requested. Ginger advises that she is planning to go with Laurel to her first camp inspection, assuring that all will go well. Sandra advises that doing a camp inspection is one of the most complicated series of inspections and that extreme caution must be used as often there are children involved.
Sandra reviews all the tasks, duties and responsibilities to be performed by the board of health members, fee schedules are also reviewed and discussed.
Sandra passes out “Emergency Dispensing Site Plan” She explains that there is a checklist available so that if someone calls to get updated information the Town will be prepared. Lastly, Sandra advises that Inspectional services are also available.
Ginger and Laurel check mail and review correspondence received . Ginger submits a bill for $117.24 to be paid to Quill for materials ordered.
Annual Report- Ginger continues to work on the Annual report, checking with Nina to make sure figures are correct before submitting to Nina.
Laurel listens to phone messages received, returning phone calls requested.
A motion is made to adjourn the meeting at 12:02, the motion is seconded; Unanimous Approval. Meeting is adjourned at 12:02.
Schedule next meeting for March 20th, 2013 @ 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ginger Conner
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Laurel Burgwardt